I was drawn in from the moment she crossed the stage to shake his hand. The first picture captures him attempting to overpower her. His use of 2 hands on her 1 hand and I’m certain he tried to pull her towards himself. She had a stance which made this impossible. Harris was brilliant from start to finish. These pictures are definitely worth a thousand words!

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Sad sack slowly losing forlorn loser.

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Number 11 with trump standing encircled--as if the smell of him is repulsive

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This is great, I love visuals

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I have zero pity for this " man"....ZERO

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No happy, smiling pictures of a joyful Trump. Know why? The manchild is the prophet of doom. He should take some smile lessons from Lurch.

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I love this picture. Everyone is staring at him like he is the Elephant Man.

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Typo.. #8 should be "not so much"

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Pictures are still worth 1,000 words!

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Thanks so much for your excellent observations and insightful analysis.

On the one hand, I fundamentally disagree with some of Harris’s policies (e.g. her unquestioning support for gender affirming care for minors despite the evidence from the Cass review that this is a very bad idea). On the other hand, I love the way she took the fight to Trump with her body language - especially that handshake! This despite her being about half his size. Way to go lady! It was a great way to reverse the optics of the debate with Clinton where Trump used his height and size to dominate her. I suspect Harris and her team learned a lot from that footage and used it to choreograph her performance. And it worked IMHO. That old adage about the best way to deal with bullies is to stand up to them rings very true.

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My intention was to express that the Cass review (all of which I’ve read) concluded that unquestioning support for puberty blockers and gender affirming care is a very bad idea. The key word here is “unquestioning” and it is “unquestioning support” that I have accused Harris of. Apologies if I didn’t make my meaning clear.

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Interesting. I didn't take that conclusion from the Cass review at all. It basically said there was no "one size fits all" recommendation for gender affirming care.

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It may have helped her confidence that she basically knew what the questions would be beforehand, knew that DJT would be “fact checked” aggressively and endlessly and she would not be fact checked AT ALL, would not be asked any questions about her participation in covering up Biden’s cognitive issues, would not be asked any questions about her tenure as California AG, and would have favorable split screen coverage. Don’t believe me, this is per an ABC whistleblower who has the receipts, apparently including recordings..

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This is nonsensical. Even I KNEW WHAT THE QUESTIONS WOULD BE ABOUT! Anyone who follows daily news could accurately predict content of questions.

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Uh-huh, color me skeptical. I’m sure you’d have a different spin if someone said Trump was given the questions in advance rather than Hahaharris.

Furthermore, I’m not the one suggesting this scenario. it was an employee at ABC, who went to great lengths to ensure that no one could accuse him/her of fabricating the story after the fact. The affidavit was created the day before the debate even happened.

Seems like some parties/people are very fond of Whistleblowers, until it affects their candidate and then the information provided is “nonsensical”. Why do I continue to expect more from your side since I’m continually disappointed? You don’t even have a sense of fair play.

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Trump had a remarkable number of opportunities to reply, Harris had none.

Trump didn't answer a single question and had to be brought back to topic several times. Since he allowed himself so much latitude, why didn't he attack Harris on her track record?

He looked old, tired, unprepared, as if forced to do something he didn't want to do. A disaster.

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Harris didn’t answer the questions either, but no one even bothered to bring her back on topic! I don’t really care about who “won” vs who “lost”. Quite frankly, I don’t care about what either side SAYS in pre-prepared sound bites. What I DO care about is fair play. I DO care about what someone DOES and how it impacts me and my family through their policies.

Under Harris we have 10-20 million illegal invaders; some of which are causing mayhem around the country, with gangs taking over apartment buildings, others killing and eating local wildlife; lower wages adjusted for inflation; higher inflation; more wars,exacerbated by the fact we’re playing both sides against the middle in the Middle East; continue to poke the Russian bear by allowing American weapons systems to target cities inside Russia, bringing us to the potential brink of WWIII; nonsensical climate measures costing hundreds of billion, possibly trillions of dollars; mandates to accept a poison Covid “vaccine” needle in your arm; attempts to stifle free speech; men in women’s bathrooms, men injuring women in WOMEN’s sports, and the potential of them stealing young women’s scholarships; support for cruel and torturous surgeries to be performed on minors below the age of consent and paid for through my tax dollars; the ability for women to abort their children up to and including the last month of pregnancy; proposed price control that have never worked in the history of mankind; proposed taxes on unrealized capital gains; ACTUALLY saying the quiet part loud and proposing bans on free speech.

It’s no wonder they have to stack the deck against DJT, she certainly can’t “win” on her own policies because rational people couldn’t possibly support the results of the HAHAHarris policies which I’ve enumerated above.

I’ll take the old, tired, ill-prepared dude who has a record that doesn’t include bringing America to the literal brink of destruction.

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Thank you for making a list of your fears, some of them with, some without a base.

The old man, wether or not he dets elected, will scr&w you if it fits him

Let me just pick one of your fears. Unemployment in the USA is 4,3% of the workforse, or 6.5 mln people. Illigal immigrants hardly came with whole families and need to sustain themselves, hence work. Let assume 50% of them wash dishes, build homes, do gardening.... Take them out of the economy and you end up with a drop of GDP and wage inflation. Against your belief immigrants bring inflation down.

Actually you assume immigrants push wages down. You agree and build on my reasoning.

Rest assured Trump will not push them out of the country.

Btw, I don't vote in your country no ut I cannot oversee the lack of

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Clear thinking

I live in Europe. Trump is the Russian asset everybody talks about. Russia can be contained through force only. Americans are fed up with wars? Well, letting Putin win is a shortcut to at least two more, one with Russia itself, one with China.

Are you prepared to give up being able to buy a phone, a car or a refrigerator? Because that's what is going to happen if China takes Taiwan over.

If you think your lifestyle is safe, that is granted by the land of plenty, you're wrong. Your lifestyle banks on being the master of the world. Are you fed up? No problem, just be ready to accept the dollar will disappear, the enemy will knock on your door, you will be desperate for food, like in 1929 because you will not be able to sell your setvice, goods, debt to the rest of the world.

I will not go into what happened on Jan 6, but there is a lot more than what you say on the table and you will regret if things go the way it is obvious is your way wins.

The repubblicans had a candidate who could win hands down. They picked Trump big mistake....

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Excuses, excuses.

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Good insight. They will not sway my vote because I am looking at the bigger picture. But it does look like you captured what really happened.

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If "bigger picture" overruns an attempted coup on Jan 6, would you be so kind to share your opinion for a European who cannot even imagine why Trump is the R candidate?

Let me start first, Nikki would have beaten Harris, but R picked Trump instead

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So glad I got to see these — they were a great recap thru great photos! And she is a beautiful woman.

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Thanks, Miriam!

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I’m not impressed

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Interesting how all the MAGATS are crawling out of the wood work to protect an addled pated, dementia ridden, professional victim, who has NEVER not once in his entire life cared about anyone but himself and couldn’t care less if all his supporters dropped dead from COVID!

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That’s a lot of anger you carry. Tell us how you really feel. 🙈 I judge by actions. Harris fails in her actions over the last 4 years. I’m not afraid of Covid, and you shouldn’t be either. Covid is a scam, so is the FDA. They are using Harris for another scam. You just don’t see it. Maybe you will someday.

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My brother and two friends died from that "scam".

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Marcia, I’m very sorry for your loss. Anyone who thinks that Covid was fake is an idiot and a fool. I hold that narcissistic psychopath responsible for at least 75% of those million deaths!! 😡

We sure as hell don’t need him again.

Again, my deepest sympathy goes out to you

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I have no use for delusional idiots! Fuck right off!

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Why is it always some side-chick who thinks she is more important than she actually is .

I see the genuine smile from 45 and the evil baby killer that is Kamala… it made me want to vomit …. The funny thing is That Trumps big dick Energy is still what matters and STILL WHAT WON THE DAY

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That is hilarious! Big dick energy? You must be joking. I’d say he has big prick energy, but to hear stormy tell it, his dick is tiny. Probably one of the reasons he brags about himself from morning tonight.

In contrast, Ms. Harris is humble, intelligent, and caring. She actually cares about other people and cares about this country. Your narcissistic psychopath only cares about himself, he could care less, if all of his supporters dry up and suffer as long as he gets his payday and his ego strokes. He’s a sick MF , if there’s any justice in this world at all karma will get him and he will spend years in prison, and then eternity burning in hell

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Sorry, you're wrong

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